I was asked to write an article for the DELAWARE BUSINESS MAGAZINE (Delaware State Chamber of Commerce). It was fun to be writing again! It is targeted towards business owners and managers. If you are an employee, please share this with your HR department. The more companies that are aware of the cost-saving, safe, and non-opioid solutions chiropractic offers, the better (it's a win-win for the business and employee).
DSCC Article Link: https://issuu.com/destatechamber/docs/db_septoct21_under100_6738/s/13293570
Back Pain, Disability, and Lost Productivity Costs, Oh My!
By Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal
It is Monday morning. Your team’s project deadline is fast approaching. It’ll be an all-hands-on-deck work week. Then comes the dreaded call from an employee suffering from severe back pain. Their unexpected absence will mean even longer hours for everyone else, or a missed deadline and lost business revenue.
Besides the staggeringly high costs of lost productivity, back pain can drive up your company’s health and workers’ compensation insurance premiums (or benefit costs for self-funded entities). In the United States, two-thirds of the $100 billion per year spent on back pain is for the indirect costs of lost wages and productivity. The other third is for direct costs—mostly attributed to surgery, imaging, prescriptions, injections, evaluations, and emergency room visits.
Recent medical studies highlight the significant role chiropractic plays in tackling back pain and provides new hope for business owners and managers desperate for a solution. Chiropractic has been shown to get injured employees back to work quicker, reduce episode costs, and prevent pricey surgeries.
A 2016 study, published in the Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, examined the duration of financial compensation of employees with occupational back pain who first sought three types of healthcare providers: a medical physician, chiropractor, and physical therapist. It was concluded that “the type of healthcare provider first visited for back pain is a determinant of the duration of financial compensation during the first 5 months. Chiropractic patients experience the shortest duration of compensation.”
A North Carolina study in 2016 analyzed statewide claims data among state employees suffering from headaches, neck pain, and low back pain and compared the following treatment paths: medical/osteopathic, chiropractic, and physical therapy. The risk-adjusted analysis for claims between 2006 and 2009 found that, when compared, chiropractic care costs:
Analyzing nearly 2,000 Washington state employees over a three-year period, researchers found that surgical rates are greatly dictated by which type of doctor employees visit first for care. Forty-three percent of workers who first saw a surgeon had surgery. Only 1.5 percent of workers with the same condition who saw a chiropractor first ended up receiving surgery. Considering that chiropractic treatment costs a tiny fraction of what surgery costs, the 29-fold difference is hard to ignore.
Back pain can cripple business productivity and cut deeply into profits. Your company’s bottom line can greatly improve with adequate employee access to chiropractic care. Chiropractic will not only help prevent surgeries and lost time, it can reduce those stressful Monday morning calls!
About Dr. Scott E. Rosenthal
Dr. Rosenthal is a second-generation Doctor of Chiropractic and past president of the Delaware Chiropractic Society. He is an expert in policy and benefit design for the best use of evidence-based chiropractic care. Dr. Rosenthal co-owns and operates the Delaware Chiropractic Services Network (DCSN), an intermediary agency that manages chiropractic physician services for insurance companies and managed care organizations. Since 1994, the DCSN has been administering an exceptional chiropractic network for Delaware’s larger insurance carriers. Dr. Rosenthal also enjoys seeing patients in his Wilmington practice. He can be reached at 302-999-0633, scottrosenthaldc@gmail.com, or by visiting rosenthalchiropractic.com or DCSN at csncare.com
Annals of Internal Medicine, 14 February 2017
UnitedHealthcare national commercial claims database, July 1, 2013−June 30, 2014. November 10, 2014
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Volume 39, Issue 4, Pages 263–266 (May 2016)
Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics, Volume 39, Issue 4, (May 2016)
Spine. 2013 May 15;38(11):953-64